Signs point to North Korea unilaterally launching the invasion. It was not helpful for the USSR and was at a very bad time for the PRC since the war immediately shut down plans to invade Taiwan.
The U.S., especially after Chinese troops entered the war, viewed it as a united and aggressive communist bloc brashly taking over one more country and likely to try more if not resisted. US defense spending shot back up to wartime levels (though far from the WWII peak) and stayed there.
China also viewed it as a feeler for aggression that would go further if not resisted. Both countries were overinterpreting local issues as global ones.
The dramatic reverses were all in the first year, followed by two years of stalemate before the armistice.
The founders set the terms for ratifying the Constitution. They bypassed the state legislatures, reasoning that their members would be reluctant to give up power to a national government. Instead, they called for special ratifying conventions in each state. Ratification by 9 of the 13 states enacted the new government.
Manchester, England is widely known as an illustrative example of the industrial revolution, from the positive aspects of economic growth and technological advances to the more negative qualities associated, like over crowding and social stratification. ... The social stratification was epic, as was the overcrowding.
1. Tithingman
2. Jacket
3. Hornbook
4. Batts (?)
5. Colonial Shoes (?)
6. Boys and Girls (?)
7. Town crier
I gave my best guess for the three with question marks, but they dont make compete sense.
C demographic information is used widely in advertising