Observation that we can make is min = 10, max = 19, range = 9, Maximum frequency of a number is 12, Average = 12.9, median = 12, mode = 12 it is slightly skewed on the right.
Step-by-step explanation:
It is imperative to create a data in a tabular column before analyzing.
Once the data is created use tally marks or frequency distribution.
Frequency distribution helps the data to provide occurrence of event.
Very important to number which is a counting numbers are discrete.
Continuous of data are ones which are in decimal.
Descriptive statistics is the 1st level of Statistics.
It finds, where the data stands. Minimum, Maximum is understandable.
Range is at what level data is expanded.
Average is the one numeric of a number.
Median is the mid point of data
Mode is the repetitive number of the data.
Skewness is whether data is having extreme directions.