The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
You can find a single number or name in a large worksheet containing thousands of numbers and names using the find and replacement feature in excel.
You can use Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut for finding and replacing features. When you press Ctrl+F, a dialog will get open, using this dialog, you can find the required number or name while entering in the search text box. Then, click on the Find button, if the worksheet matches the result, give you the matched result in the yellow highlighted color.
Also, you can use Ctrl+F to replace a name or number with some other name or number.
Alternatively, you can do this using the home tab, then find the option find and select under the editing group of commands.
The "a" tag or <a></a> and its "h<u>r</u>ef" attribute <a href="#"></a>
In html there is only one way to create a link to an external source or a bookmark. The tag is created using the element <a>.
The attribute "href" is then added to describe the link of where it is to point to.
<a href="">Go to Google</a>
While the text in between the tag describes what the link is about.
Enter a number: 7
Enter a number: 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
print (numi + num2)
NameError: name 'numi' is not defined
The typo in the print statement causes a run-time error, where obviously num1+num2 was expected, and an output of 17.
The most direct way for jonathon to gain on-the-job experience and earn money while attending school is to apply for: D:a work-study program
the sorting function is used to sort the elements in the array.
the sorting can be increasing or decreasing, depends on the function used.
let discuss the option:
a. sort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in ascending order.
b. arsort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in descending order according to the value.
d. asort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in ascending order according to the value.
c. rsort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in descending order.
Therefore, the correct answer is rsort().