Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder. Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.
result = 0
i = lo
while i <= hi:
result = result + i
i += 1
Initialize the <em>result</em> as 0 to hold the summation value.
Since we are asked not to change the value of <em>lo</em> and <em>hi</em>, our loop control variable is <em>i</em> and initially it starts from <em>lo.</em>
Since we are asked to add the number from <em>lo</em> to <em>hi, </em>while loop condition checks it.
While the condition satisfies (during each iteration), the value of <em>i</em> is added to the result and the value of <em>i</em> is incremented by one.
I think that its C. Report the issue to the teacher.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int length = 8;
int width = 8;
int perimeter = 2*(length + width);
int area = length * width;
cout<<"The perimeter is "<<perimeter<<endl;
cout<<"The area is "<<area<<endl;
return 0;
include the library iostream for using the input/output instructions in the c++ programming.
Create the main function and define the variable length and width with values.
Then, use the formula for calculating the perimeter and area of rectangle.
and store in the variables and finally print the output.
Decimals are based on the preceding powers of 10. Thus, as we move from left to right, the place value of digits gets divided by 10, meaning the decimal place value determines the tenths, hundredths and thousandths. A tenth means one tenth or 1/10. In decimal form, it is 0.1.