The answer is - Regulating local workplaces was beyond the scope of understanding of interstate commerce at the time and was, therefore, perceived to be an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government.
The supreme court struck down the attempts by congress to regulate child labor and factory conditions in local workplaces because the court because it disapproved child labor and saw it as an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government in attempting to manage a purely local matter, workplace condition. It therefore concluded that the harm of child labor had nothing to do with interstate commerce and was out of the reach of congressional power.
Protein Vitamins Minerals Carbohydrates are nutritional component is most important for a patient with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (mods)
What are the major aims of shock treatment?</h3>
- The goal of shock management is to prevent anaerobic metabolism in the tissue.
- Volume resuscitation is critical in the resuscitation of the critically hypovolemic patient.
- The goal of shock management is to understand the interdependence of the pump, the container, and the fluid, the systems for monitoring their functioning, and the strategies for returning them to normal.
learn more about shock management refer:
legislative advocacy -
legislative advocacy -
It is defined as discussions which are based on modification of any bill.
It is assurance given to particular set of groups about their rights by making discussion with policy maker and legislator. The simple way to legislative advocacy is to contact with policy maker involves in particular bill by requesting them to vote for specific bill.
to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed" enforce laws