1.) not using a pronoun at all.
Not using a pronoun is the right way to correct this ambiguity.
An ambiguous pronoun happens when a pronouns have an unclear antecedent, such that it's not clear who is referring to.
Hope this helps
Hasmukh amathalal ⋅ 16 March 2013
Time spares none
Time spares none
All are covered one by one
Someone departs early
But all prepare for it timely
It gives no time
To prepare and dare
Childhood, youth and then old age
All are known and definite stages
What are we meant for here?
formant the trouble for others
Or to live in disharmony
Certainly not blessed for same by almighty
Time is not in our favor
No one thinks of humanly honor
We are for short duration
So still doors are open to build good relation
“If I can be simple human”
That shall be the slogan
To remove agony and pain
Let us do little in that direction and gain
1.My first time in the hospital was a terrible time for me. I broke my ankle during a fight with a classmate and I had to be taken to the hospital by the Headmaster. Everything in the hospital environment sent waves of shivers down my spine and I vowed never to get myself into situations that will make me to visit the hospital again.
2. The action verbs in the paragraph are as follow: Broke, taken, sent, vowed, visit and get.
The helping verbs in the paragraph are as follow: was and had.
Action verbs are those verbs that express action, they tell us what a subject is doing or has done. They are the main verbs in sentences. Helping verbs on the other hand help the action verbs by extending their meanings.
the revelation of an identity or fact, especially one that is concealed or likely to arouse disapproval.