Following the defeat of the Confederate States in the American Civil War, Texas was mandated to rejoin the United States of America. ... Texas fully rejoined the Union on March 30, 1870, when President Grant signed the act to readmit Texas to Congressional Representation.For Texans on all sides, the war brought hardships. Although only a few battles were fought in the state, the effect of the war was widespread. Traffic through the state's major port at Galveston was halted by a Union blockade early in the war. ... Many traveled to Texas as refugees, often bringing slaves with them.Texas contributed 135 officers to the Confederate army as well as a huge amount of military supplies and provisions. Civil War: Sacrifice, Valor, and Hope: Gov. Sam Houston lost his office when he refused to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy.
Traditional economies base economic decisions on cultural values and beliefs. This economy relies on farming, hunting, and fishing.
Vietnam is a socialist state government with a capitalist free market.
Vietnam has a one-party system. This is the Communist Party of Vietnam. A national assembly votes for a president. This president holds a lot of power for a five-year term. They are the commander-in-chief of the military. A prime minister oversees main decisions made in economics and government spending. Vietnam has a capitalism economy and manufactures a lot of good for exports to foreign markets.
The word pneumonia has the root pneumon-, meaning lung or air. combining vowel. A combining vowel joins a root to another root or a root to a suffix.
I got it from the internet. Sorry it it's wrong
La respuesta correcta es A) baja densidad.
¿Por qué la luna carece de atmosfera?
Respuesta: por su baja densidad.
Los científicos que han estudiado la Luna aseguran que la atmósfera de este satélite es 100 billones de veces menos densa comparada con nuestra atmósfera terrestre, lo que significa que tiene baja densidad. De acuerdo con estos científicos, la fuerza de gravedad de nuestra Luna es 6 veces menor que la qu presenta nuestro planeta azul. Es por eso que la dela Luna no puede captar o mantener las moléculas ni los átomos para conformar una atmósfera.