The worst part of political machine is the was complete and absolute throughout the entire machine.everybody got their cut-except the avarage citizen.
Answer: The four stages of social movements are bureaucratization, emergence, decline and coalescence.
Emergence: It is the initial stage of social movement. The movement attains little to no organization at this stage and the goals are unclear.
Coalescence: It is the second stage and it is associated with the discontent and social agitation against the opposing party for which the movement has created.
Bureaucratization: It is the stage in which the social movement raises awareness and reaches up to a higher level of organization.
Decline: This is the last stage which can achieve either success or failure. In this stage repression of the complainants or co-optation when the authorities and the complainants reach a conclusion.
When responding to online comment, first of all you have to carry positivity by responding in an upbeat but professional tone. And also correct the mistake stated in a polite manner don't do it in an abusive or insultive a form of transparency by stating the position you are currently occupying in the firm and also
have the highest level of honesty by firstly admitting your mistakes and then you go on to tell the customer by being open on how the issues will be resolved ,
Explanation: do apologize for the inconveniences caused by the said action.
Customer they say are always right. They may comment to you in an offensive and insultive manner but you always stay calm and not make them chew their words. What ever point they are raising may be for the business or company's best so reply effectively.