1.An astrolabe was an instrument which helped sailors to find their location by looking at the stars and sun
2. Crusaders were people who went on the Crusades
3. The feudal system was the social, economic, and political system of Europe in the Middle Ages
4. A manor was a large estate or farm, part of which was set aside for the lord and the rest divided among his peasants
5. The Middle Ages was the period in European history between ancient and modern times, from about A.D. 500 to about 1500
6. A Muslim is a believer in the religion of Islam; a follower of Mohammed
7. A serf was a peasant in the feudal system midway between a freeman and a slave
I think the most populated place in Europe is Russia.
Members of the house are elected every two years and must be 25 years of age. a US citizen for at least seven years, and a resident of the state.
The sort of social turmoil come about because of the war exertion in the US is that the rowdy Hessians cost the British the support of numerous regions that the British had trusted would remain a supporter. Laborers in boomtowns confronted a lack of houses and schools. African Americans confronted racial strains. Japanese Americans were frequently detained in camps and required to take dependability promises.