#Write a function called alter_list. alter_list should have#two parameters: a list of strings and a list of integers.##The list
of integers will represent indices for the list of#strings. alter_list should alter the capitalization of all#the words at the designated indices. If the word was all#capitals, it should become all lower case. If it was all#lower case, it should become all capitals. You may assume#that the words will already be all-caps or all-lower case.##For example:## string_list = ["hello", "WORLD", "HOW", "are", "you"]# index_list = [0, 2]# alter_list(string_list, index_list) -> # ["HELLO", "WORLD", "how", "are", "you"]##After calling alter_list, the strings at indices 0 and 2#have switched their capitalization. ##Note that it may be the case that the same index is present#in the second twice. If this happens, you should switch the#text at that index twice. For example:## string_list = ["hello", "WORLD", "HOW", "are", "you"]# index_list = [0, 2, 2]# alter_list(string_list, index_list) -> # ["HELLO", "WORLD", "HOW", "are", "you"]##2 is in index_list twice, so the string at index 2 is#switched twice: capitals to lower case, then back to#capitals.#Write your function here!#Below are some lines of code that will test your function.#You can change the value of the variable(s) to test your#function with different inputs.##If your function works correctly, this will originally#print:#["hello", "WORLD", "HOW", "are", "you"]#["HELLO", "WORLD", "HOW", "are", "you"]print(alter_list(["hello", "WORLD", "HOW", "are", "you"], [0, 2]))print(alter_list(["hello", "WORLD", "HOW", "are", "you"], [0, 2, 2]))