I don't knowthe answer
I really don't know the answer
Here is the python code:
StartingSal = int(input("Enter the starting salary: "))
AnnualIncrease = (int(input("Enter the annual % increase: ")) / 100)
Years = int(input("Enter the number of years: "))
for count in range(1,Years+1):
print("Year ", count, " Salary: ", StartingSal*((1+AnnualIncrease)**(count-1)))
This program prompts the user to enter starting salary, percentage increase in salary per year and number of years.
The for loop has range function which is used to specify how many times the salaries are going to be calculated for the number of years entered. It starts from 1 and ends after Years+1 means one value more than the year to display 10 too when user inputs 10 days.
The year and corresponding salary is displayed in output. At every iteration the starting salary is multiplied by annual percentage increase input by user. Here count is used to count the number of salaries per year, count-1 means it will start from 30000.
Informatics is one of the sub-child of Information engineering. It is an “applied form” of information. Financial industry normally face changes with handling data. Data might be scattered in several system and the data feed takes more time and effort and also collecting all the data, analyzing and processing those is still more tedious.
Banking informatics helps the financial sector to have an ease with data feed, collect data and generate report quickly, easily and effectively. This is an essential and useful tool for the Banking and financial institutions.
In c# you can declare properties and methods, not fields though
D. Selfishness
Selfishness is caring about yourself and not others