B. The author makes multiple references on how the President cant do alot of things. This lead me to believe that it is B
I belive the answer is: Voters
Lobbyist consist of a group of people that aimed to support a certain representatives in order to legally influence the outcome of the legislation.
These lobbyist tend to represent actual segment of registered voters for a specific cause that deemed as important for them.
Answer: Dividends are profits of a company after taxation that is distributed among share holders of that company
Dividends is the distribution of profits in a company after taxation to its shareholders according to their number/percentage of share.
Georgia’s leading industry continues to be agriculture
As I need to let you answer this, I am going to provide answers on both sides.
Democratic Party:
A member of the Democratic party generally believes in a strong Central government that provides a robust social safety net for the people. In the modern age, Democrats are more hesitant to use military might overseas and would rather spend the money investing at home. Democrats are broadly in favor of a woman's control over her own body and support gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana. Support welcoming immigration policies.
A member of the Republican party in the modern era believes in a weaker central government with more power to the states. They broadly believe in the power of the market to provide and are interested in the private sector helping citizens to succeed. They believe in a strong military and in using it. Republicans are split along religious lines as to abortion and gay marriage but are united in their opposition of weaker immigration policies.