<h2>Francesco Pazzi, Pope Sixtus IV</h2>
The Pazzi conspiracy (Italian: Congiura dei Pazzi) was a plot by members of the Pazzi family and others to displace the Medici family as rulers of Renaissance Florence. On 26 April 1478 there was an attempt to assassinate Lorenzo de' Medici and his brother Giuliano.
- Extension.
'Product extension' is illustrated as the company's strategy that involves the use of a presently existing established brand name to introduce a new product with slight variations in the similar product category. Such strategies assist the companies to increase their profit margins by offering a wide variety of products as the familiar brand's goodwill works for it to increases the sales effectively.
In the given question, the introduction of 'innovative products as televisions' by Sony that offers a variation in the established brand name of Sony in 'color television' would surely promote the increased sales and profits for the company. Such a strategy is categorized as 'product extension' that involves the extension of the similar product range.
The Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Roger Sherman
During the constitutional convention of 1787, the Virginia plan pushed for representation based on population, whereas the New Jersey plan called for equal representation for all states. The Great Compromise, proposed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut split the difference between the two and saved the Constitutional Convention from dissolving.