President Lincoln needed a Union victory. He got it at the battle of Antietam fought near the town of Sharps burg, Maryland.
Answer: Option D
There were two armies fighting opposite each other in the Civil War. The one of Abraham Lincoln and north was called the Union Army.
Lincoln desperately wanted the Union Army to defeat the Confederate Army after suffering a few losses in consequent battles before the battle of Antietam. The Union Army succeeded in defeating the opposition in the battle of Antietam.
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On November 8, 1861, Charles Wilkes, a U.S. Navy Officer, captured two Confederate envoys aboard the British mail ship, the Trent. Great Britain accused the United States of violating British neutrality, and the incident created a diplomatic crisis between the United States and Great Britain during the Civil War.
The purpose behind the creation of Women's Christian Temperance Union was the banning of liquor and protecting their homes from the effect of liquor. It was basically a social reforms program that was undertaken by the women of that time.The WCTU was officially declared in the year 1874. I hope the answer helps you.