Option A (localization strategy) is the right approach.
- Localization strategy seems to be a method of transforming services or products to something like a unique language, culture as well as the appropriate "look-and-feel" community.
- Preferably a good or product is designed such that it is fairly sufficient to accomplish this strategy. And it is, therefore, possible to obtain an internationalized products.
Certain options given aren't relevant to the contexts in question. So choice A is indeed the correct way to do things.

F=1000, P=863.84, n=3
solve for i

solving for i

Answer: the annual interest rate is 5%
Answer: a. The government shifted its resources from defense spending to helping big industries like the auto industry.
The era after the second world war saw massive government spending in the American economy. The government invested heavily in construction, education, the auto industry and others.
This led to unparalleled prosperity as Americans enjoyed high employment and high growth rates which led to high consumption and investments such that the American economy surged forward in leaps and bounds.
The correct answer is option b.
Shen is working in a country where the inflation rate is high.
He gets a salary every two weeks.
After receiving his salary he immediately goes out and buys all the goods he is going to need over the next two weeks.
He converts the remaining salary in a more stable currency.
He does this in order to prevent his salary from losing purchasing power.
This effort that he is making to prevent his real income from losing value is called the shoe-leather cost of inflation.
The shoe-leather cost can be defined as the cost of time and effort made to prevent the cash holdings from losing their value.
What is a power grid?
C) Transmission lines and transformers that take and send electricity from generating facilities to end users
A power grid is a system of interconnected transmission lines and transformers that takes electricity from the producers to the consumers. The power grid is very important in the supply of electricity to consumers. Before power is to be transmitted to the consumers, it has to be generated. Traditionally, the conventional way of generating power was from central power stations that utilized sources like; fossil fuels, coal and natural gas. In the recent past, however, more advancements have been made towards more clean energy sources like; wind, geothermal and hydroelectricity. Clean energy sources have several benefits over the traditional sources of energy, like; they don't cause harm to the environment and also they are renewable since they can be used over and over without depletion.
Once the energy has been harnessed and converted to electricity, it needs to be transmitted. The network for transmission to the consumers is what makes up the power grid. Transmission is usually done at very high voltage to minimize losses. However, before providing it the consumers, the electricity needs to be converted to a low voltage by the use of transformers for domestic and commercial consumption.