Our school has many advantages.
Age, Number of people, education level and experience level with topic
I personally think that money can not make anyone feel better or solve any problems.
Answer: Blanca and Harris (owners of the factory) closed all doors in the building so nobody can escape the factory. Citizens then protesting saying Murders! Murders! They killed my child. Then they were found guilty.
I believe the best answers are:
blank 1 -- C) that has
blank 2 -- A) NO CHANGE
The original sentence, "...the US government has the power to take custody of land when having historical significance or great natural beauty" is a bit ambiguous. Who has historical significance? We assume it is the land. But, in the way it is phrased, it could also be the government. To eliminate such ambiguity, the best option is letter C) that has. It will help determine a certain land can be taken. What land? The one that has historical significance.
As for the sentence, "The designation of a territory as a national park, national monument, or other types of protected area can limit activities," I don't see any reasons for changes. Especially because of the word "other", which needs to be completed by a plural noun - eliminating options B and C. Letter D wouldn't be incorrect, but the transformation of "protected area" into an adjective for "types" is unnecessary. The sentence is perfect the way it is and, therefore, needs NO CHANGE.