The binding of ACh to the muscarinic receptor indirectly affects the permeability of K⁺channels. This can produce hyper polarization in some organs if channels are opened, and depolarization in others if channels are closed.
For example, in the heart it is the beta-gamma compound that fixes to the K+ channels of heart muscle and sources them to exposed. This leads to K+ dispersion out of the cell and the cell converts into hyper polarized consequential in a reduction in heart rate. In contrast, in smooth muscle of the stomach the alpha sub unit fixes to K+ channels producing them to close. This decreases the external diffusion of K+ and the cell converts depolarized ensuing in smooth muscle contraction.
Cholestrol streghtens the cell memebrane. Its STRUCTURE gets fixed in the cell membrane and then performs its FUNCTIONS that is to strengthen the cell membrane
Live, attenuated
Hope this helps!:)