Sorry did but i don't no this .
Contour plowing as it works around the natural ground to keep erosion as low as possible
The graph shows that the population of bacteria is increasing with the passage of time. During 1st hour, the population of bacteria is 50 per ml. In second hour, the population is doubled i. e. 100 per ml. In the 3rd hour, the population reaches to 200 per ml and in 3 and half hours, the population touches the value of 300 per ml. So the graph clearly shows that population is double with each hour.
Water pollution may be defined as the contamination of the unwanted substance or pollutant with water that changes the normal characteristics of water. Three main contributors of ground water are as follows:
Chemical farming: The use of pesticides and fertilizers in the fields and its direct run off in river and groundwater causes the water pollution.
Industrial waste: The industrial waste consists of harmful chemicals and heavy metals. The direct discharge of chemical waste in the lakes, ground water and ponds makes the water dirty and causes water pollution.
Effluent from waste water treatment plant: The effluent and the harmful chemical waste release from the waste water treatment plant is the major contributor to the ground water. The effluents mix with the ground water and changes the ground water property.