The abdominal cavity is lined by peritoneum. It is a membrane that covers the inner layer of the cavity and also the organs inside. The membrane on the inner wall is parietal Thperitonium and the membrane that lines the organ is called visceral peritoneum. This helps in fixation and support of abdominal organs.
Microarrays allow for
•a comparison of expression of different genes under different growth conditions.
• the analysis of global gene expression.
•the hybridization of cDNA (converted from mRNA with DNA affixed to a solid-state support.
• all of the above.
• all of the above.
Microarray involves the collection and isolation of genetic samples (DNA) from a sample or tissue.
Microarray is composed of a large number of DNA material that is arrange sequentially for easy identification and use.
Microarray is used to compare the expressions of various types of genes that are growing under different conditions. It can also be used for analysis of genes globally.
tiene un efecto devastador sobre las cadena tróficas de ecosistemas terrestres
En una cadena trófica, los organismos productores, también conocidos como autótrofos, son aquellos capaces de convertir la energía proveniente del Sol (organismos fotosintéticos) o de la oxidaxión de compuestos inorgánicos (organismos quimiosintéticos) en nutrientes a través de la formación de enlaces de carbono que componen moléculas orgánicas tales como, por ejemplo, carbohidratos (es decir, celulosa, azúcar, etc). Por ejemplo, los árboles son organismos productores que usan la fotosíntesis para convertir la energía lumínica solar en energía química la cual es utlilizada por consumidores primarios (hervívoros) de la cadena trófica. Los árboles son organismos productores los cuales juegan un papel clave en ecosistemas terrestres, representando la principal fuente de alimento y nutrientes para diferentes consumidores primarios. Además, estos organismos autótrofos son también fundamentales porque generan oxígeno (O2) y capturan el dióxido de carbono (CO2) de la atmósfera, lo cual es un proceso clave para el sostenimiento de la vida en la tierra.
If the inducer [allolactose] is present in the negative control then it will bind to the repressor decreasing its ability to bind to the operator due to which the transcription begins again and the operon is turned on.
Lac Operon is a set of three genes z, y & a which are regulated under the same promoter which regulates the amount of lactose production in the cell.
An inducer is a molecule that has the ability to induce or activate the operon. ex- in the case of the lac operon, allolactose acts as an inducer.
A repressor is a molecule that will repress or restricts the transcription of the genes of the operon, as a result, the operon will be switched off.
When the lac operon is under negative control, with no CAP [catabolite repressor protein] binding activity, the repressor remains active and thus binds to the operator region of the operon, as a result, no transcription takes place and the operon will be switched off.
But if the inducer will be present even in the negative control then the transcription takes place and the operon will be on.
Learn more about lac operon here
Answer: Both are single-celled microorganisms which contains plasma membranes, cytoplasm, ribosomes, DNA
Cells are the smallest functional unit of organisms which are classified under two main categories namely:
--> prokaryotic cells and
--> eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotes are unicellular or single-celled organisms which do not possess true nuclei. Their cell structure is simple as there is NO definite nucleus and the chromosomes lie free in a particular part of the cell. Examples of organisms that belongs to this group are the bacteria. They can only be seen through a high power of a light microscope and are found in air, water, soil and living organisms. The general structure of prokaryotes like bacteria contains Chromosome ( single DNA strand coiled up), cytoplasm, ribosome which are few cell components among others.
Eukaryotes are organisms which possess a definite or true nuclei. The cell structure is complex and highly organized with a well-defined nucleus (meaning its DNA is surrounded by a membrane). Many structures called the cell organelles are present which include: mitochondria, chloroplasts, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes with other cell components, that is the cytoplasm, plasma membrane and ribosomes. Each organelle carries out a certain type of work. Examples of organisms that belongs to this group are the amoebas.
From the explanation above, both bacteria and amoeba are single- celled organisms which contains plasma membranes, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and DNA.