The amendment prohibiting slavery was ratified by the US Congress in 1865, after it was adopted by the necessary three quarters of the states (27 of the 36 existing then). The Thirteenth Amendment prohibited slavery and forced labor, except for punishing a crime. In particular, section IV of article IV was also amended, which had previously forbidden to facilitate the escape of slaves. However, some southern states at first refused to accept the amendment and did so only after some time.
The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence.
The Hoover quote shows that his approach to the Great Depression is one of no hope. Hoover tried to implement a couple federal works projects (like the Hoover Dam) to kick start the economy. This limited government role is thanks to Hoover's belief in laissez faire economics, which revolves around the idea that government should be involved as little as possible in the economy. With this in mind, it is easy to understand why Hoover does not give direct financial assistance to American citizens.
FDR, on the other hand, believed that the government should help in times of crisis. FDR uses this concept and develops the "New Deal." This "New Deal" is a policy in which the federal government creates several different agencies and programs to help American citizens recover from the Great Depression. This "can do"attitude reflects his determination and ties into the aforementioned quote.
The president uses the media to influence public opinion on policy through speeches or opinions issued through mass communication channels, such as television, social networks, radio or newspapers. In this way, they express their different opinions seeking to attract support from the citizenry, which will ultimately endorse or not the measures that the president is going to take.
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated