earnestly asking for something
Josephine , who is the main character's sister, wanted desperetaly her sister , Louise, to open the door of her room. Louise had a heart disease and had to take care of herself, but she had become even more vulnurable when she learnt that her husband had died in a train crash. It was Josephine that had given her the news. Louise's first reaction was to shut herselp up in her room.
The police were not fair.
Edward Coolidge was being accused of murdering a 14-year-old girl. He was the last person the girl was seen with and with whom she kept in touch before being found dead, stabbed and with gunshot marks on her body. How Coolidge was the prime suspect in the crime.
The police needed to go to Coolidge's house to search and seize his car and other objects that could be used in the investigation, for that, the police needed a search and seizure warrant. Who signed the search and seizure mandate was the Attorney General of the case and for that reason, the arrival of the police at Coolidge's home was not fair and violates the fourth institutional amendment.
This is because, for a term to be valid, it must be issued by someone who holds an impartial position in the case investigated.
The interpretation of the "farewell speech by Polonius to Laertes is given below:
"Try to think of it like that, anyway. When a youth grows into a man, he doesn’t just get bigger in his body—his responsibilities grow too. He may love you now, and may have only the best intentions, but you have to be on your guard.
Remember that he belongs to the royal family, and his intentions don’t matter that much—he’s a slave to his family obligations. He can’t simply make personal choices for himself the way common people can, since the whole country depends on what he does. His choice has to agree with what the nation wants.
So if he says he loves you, you should be wise enough to see that his words only mean as much as the state of Denmark allows them to mean.
Then think about how shameful it would be for you to give in to his seductive talk and surrender your treasure chest to his greedy hands. Watch out, Ophelia. Just keep your love under control, and don’t let yourself become a target of his lust.
Simply exposing your beauty to the moon at night is risky enough—you don’t have to expose yourself to him. Even good girls sometimes get a bad reputation. Worms ruin flowers before they blossom. Baby blooms are most susceptible to disease. So be careful. Fear will keep you safe. Young people often lose their self-control even without any help from others."
Modern thou Julius has not conquered such Luck. Assassination in the court is result of power and popularity.