Possible Answers:
- Medicemanto - Medicine, especially applied.
- Ingeniería - Engineering. Modern scientific engineering is making use of technology to help solve problems and understand cause and effects.
- Comunicación - Communication. Public broadcasting to raise awareness of environmental or other scientific concerns.
ctrl e then ctrl r
i used google cause im a. gooooddddddddd
Option(a) i.e "true" is the correct answer for the given question.
The select statement is used for fetching the record in the database. Select is the Data manipulation command. The given query gives all the records where id=5 from the table publisher in the table format.After executing of query the user can verify that the field is updated or not in the table.
So the given statement is "true".
That is actually true. In order to format the font, margins and alignment of a form you need to s<span>elect the control that you want to format, then right-click the selection, and then click Format Control. What you do next is that on the Font tab you select the font type, font style, font size, other formatting options for the selected text and in order to finish to press ok </span>