<span>If it's an multiple answer question it's....
</span><span>B.) Blank the screen with black screen (or return to the slide if you are currently blank).</span>
It is a program that may be used by a user to access files and navigate the World Wide Web. An example of this would be Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.
Essentially additive editing and stringing “the good stuff” together, whereas subtractive is more about stringing all your raw footage together and “removing the bad stuff”
Additive editing feels confident and concerned with the pursuit of a specific, existing vision. And it’s faster. Subtractive editing feels like a deeper listening to what the footage is saying, and holding on to many potential permutations.
Addictive editing - creating a program from raw footage by starting by starting with nothing and adding selected components
Subtraction editing - creating a program by removing redundant or poor quality material from the original footage
We will be going inside B array, because he was in second place in array E,and will be the first element of array B, so it's 35
E can be understanded as:
E=[[21, 'dog', 'red'],[35, 'cat', 'blue'],[12, 'fish', 'green']], so, you can see array E as array of arrays or so-called two-dimensional array
An Array
Array and Object is a good use for storing data and accessing it