The divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandate is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from a divine authority, like the monotheist will of God.
Did you get these answers? I'm also curious. I think the first in Vandals, but idk about the second one.
One thing that happened was that the Ottomans decided on slaughtering most of the current aristocracy that was in place before they came - which was logical for them as they didn't want the previous monarchs to interfere with their rule. On the other hand they treated farmers better and they had more rights than before. They could also marry between religions if they wanted to. They also had the same cultural rights as before.
After slavery was completely abolished in the North, African Americans did not live easy lives, for discrimination and prejudice were still a prominent problem. In the caucasian dominating Northern region of the United States, African Americans were considered free because they were no longer forced into slavery, but in reality they were only given limited freedom in regards to their political rights, social rights, and rights of expression.
African Americans were only granted limited freedom in regards to their political rights.
<em>There were New theories reflected changes that were happening in society at large.</em>
<em>New theories about science reflected changes that were happening in society at large. Science focused on how to better society and build it up. Strives were made in protection of countries including better weapons seen in World War II.</em>