123´E is a longitude line. The longitude is a measure that in cartography expresses the angular distance between a given point of the terrestrial surface and the meridian that is taken as 0° (that is the meridian of base) which imaginatively divides the earth between East (E) and West (W).
Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. Known as the "people's president," Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans.
The party that Andrew Jackson founded during his presidency called itself the ... During the years 1831 and 1832, the Frenchman Alexis de Toqueville toured ... Tocqueville saw America as "the image of democracy itself, with its ... the United States represented the democratic, egalitarian future, Europe the aristocratic past.
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