Optical Character Recognition
Optical Character Recognition is a method that is used to read character and bar codes. They convert scanned image into digital format. In other words ASCII text can be formed when a digitized document is converted.OCR is a method that convert document into word.
Here are some OCR tools which convert digitized format into machine readable text.
- Microsoft Document
- Microsoft One Note
field will be automatically taken off the page for the user
When designing a custom VisualForce page the piece of code mentioned "apex: outputField" is used to determine what and how information is displayed to a certain user. This being said if the user does not have field-level security access and tries to enter the VisualForce page then the field will be automatically taken off the page for the user, and they will not be able to view it.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
You have to subtract the tax amount by the final amount then multiply the result by the percentage of tip that is based on the service that you received.
3) A Single linked list is a sequence of elements in which every element has link to its next element in the sequence.
DATA stores actual value , LINK stores address of next node
As per information given in question, letters at the even addresses are items in linked list and the odd addresses will be used as links.
Even Address Odd Address
12 (Stores 't') 13 (Used as link)
14 (Stores 'm') 15 (Used as link)
16 (Stores 'a') 17 (Used as link)
18 (Stores 'r') 19 (Used as link)
20 (Stores 's') 21 (Used as link)
Numbers represented by circle are addresses of respective nodes. Here Front or Head has address 16. Which represents the Head Node.
Following image represents the word "smart" with respective nodes and their addressing.
Numbers represented by circle are addresses of respective nodes.
The head pointer is: 20
B. Responsive display ads
E. Uploaded ad (Image & AMPHTML).
If what you want to achieve is greater control and greater efficiency and scale while you place your ad? Then the two ad format to achieve that are, responsive display ad and uploaded ad.
The uploaded ad will guarantee you have greater control while the responsive display ad gives you greater scale and efficiency.