Pollution :) Since Abiotic means non living.
Bacteria: Living
Food (worms or smaller fish): Living
Predators: Living
Pollution (dirt, trash, or other stuff): Non Living
B) number of muscle cells ❤️
Biotic means living. There are some obvious abiotic factors here. The only gray area is what "soil" encompasses
grass-Biotic means living, all of the other choices are not living, and would therefore be abiotic factors
This is because it is a living thing (performs photosynthesis and cellular respiration).
Biotic means living, all of the other choices are not living, and would therefore be abiotic factors
The prevailing wind direction is West, even though natural wind direction is East. The West winds prevail because they are much stronger. The way this works is that the San Francisco Bay water is a constant cool temperature (around 50-60 degrees).