Iranian nationalism refers to nationalism among the people of Iran and individuals whose national identity is Iranian. Iranian nationalism consists of political and social movements and sentiments prompted by a love for Iranian culture, Iranian languages and history, and a sense of pride in Iran and Iranian people.
Source= Wikipedia
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, there was a growth in the industry, where the factory replaced manufacturing.
This has happened since the nineteenth century because technical inventions were created in England, Germany and Russia that were used in the United States, in addition to foreign investment in the country.
On the other hand the arrival of many imigrantes support to the growth of the industry during 1580 and 1880.
The sectors that were most favored in the United States were:
The railways: since there were many lands that were given for this purpose and consequently in 1900 they had already built more than 300,000 kilometers in roads.
Heavy industries: oil, electrotechnical, chemical, machine building, etc.
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porque los países más pobres sufren debido a la naturaleza injusta y costosa de los acuerdos de libre comercio. El libre comercio incrementó la prosperidad principalmente para los estadounidenses. Mientras que los ciudadanos de países tercermundistas deben trabajar en condiciones de trabajo deplorables, sus puestos de trabajo están en riesgo constante y sus países sufren daños económicos