its spontaneous, (D) for plato. Spontaneous means unexpected. If someone has a miscarriage its unexpected.
Encoding: In psychology, the term encoding is defined as one of the stages in the memory process and is considered as the first stage. An individual's brain requires to process or encode a particular information to form memory and can be retrieved later on whenever required.
Areas of encoding:
1. Acoustic encoding.
2. Visual encoding.
3. Semantic encoding.
In the question above, Fred is in the middle of encoding.
Answer: There are 5 categories/classifications of musical instruments according to Sachs Horn Bostel.
These include the following:
Electrophones, membranophones, idiphones, chordophones and electrophones.
Examples of each the above classifications are:
Chordophones: guitar and harp
Aerophones: Saxophone, flute and trumpet.
Membranophones: include vibration instruments like violin, guitar can as well fall in this category.
Electrophones: these include electronic organ
Idiphones: these may include bells, cymbals and xylophones.
The Battle of Hastings was important for the history of England cause it changed who was in charge. The Anglo-Saxons had ruled the land for over 600 years ever since the Roman times. The Normans had taken over, and there were big changes