She freed hundreds of slaves through the Underground Railroad
During the Civil War she was also Union Spy and help lead to the Emancipation Proclamation.
Answer:Here are two examples of how cultural beliefs can effect relationships negatively.
Cultural views: 'Cultural views are the views held by society in society to be reliable. We have individual views and also common beliefs.'
Example: 'Indians love hockey.' The comment can be dependable as many people do love hockey, but not everyone loves hockey.
The negative views of some beliefs.
Example 1: In many Asian nations, men holding hands is a mark of friendship. But in western nations that can be seen as a symbol of homosexuality.
A recent study of college students from low-SES backgrounds and high-SES backgrounds conducted by VanKim and Laska showed that college students from low-SES backgrounds ate more fast food and fewer fruits and vegetables than their higher-SES counterparts. According to them "Higher nutritional knowledge, which is associated with a greater SES, is associated with engagement in more healthful weight-loss methods".
Increased population will invariably affects the biodiversity of a region because more food and other raw material will be source thereby altering the well being of other species in the ecosystem that depend on the raw material. Example the population explosion of human has bring about increase in fuel consumption.