hot and dry
CONTINENTAL TROPICAL AIR MASS. The source region for cT air is the desert Southwest, the high plains and Mexico with relation to the United States. The air has low dewpoints and warm to hot afternoon temperatures but with mild nighttime temperature. Skies are generally clear in cT air.
Electrical signals from your heart to check for conditions and illnesses that can be detected by this data.
½ c raw red bell pepper (190 mg per cup)
1 medium orange (96 mg per cup)
½ cup cooked broccoli (81 mg per cup, uncooked)
¾ cup tomato juice (44 mg per cup, 33 mg in 3/4 cup)
Even if the reference measurements is 1 cup the proportion of vitamin C is maintained when half a cup of the measure is used.
As I do not know the size of the orange I am considering that half an orange is equal to half a cup.
Brococoli is cooked and Vitamin C is vulnerable to the cooking process and breaks down easily. So its vitamin C content will vary depending on how it was cooked and how long it lasted.
Yes. Hydropower, Wind Power, and just about any other alternative produces less CO2 than natural gas
Insects, such as water striders, and spiders, such as fisher spiders, can glide or scamper across the surface of water. These critters are small enough that their weight can be supported almost entirely by surface tension, the relatively weak forces that hold water molecules together.
Surface tension of water helps creatures(mostly of insecta class such as water striders) to walk on water. ... it also helps water to move up the xylem tissue of higher plants without breaking up