There are elements of truth in each of the options, but C is the only correct answer.
While Ben Gunn hints to Jim that he has already found the treasure, claiming that he's rich, Jim doesn't catch on to this at the time. Because Jim left the stockade to recover and beach the Hispaniola, he wasn't present to learn Dr. Livesey negotiated with Ben Gunn to relocate the stockade group to Gunn's cave, where...
The Hunger Games is an incredible book if you want a dystopian, but Six of Crows is my all time favorite!
Disneyland is one of the great sources of Rollercoasters and very known to its amazing rides. It has a huge influence on America’s love for rollercoasters because it’s rides gives the best thrills
Family secrets shouldn't be told outside of the family because whoever told ypu that secret trusted you alot to keep the secret and just as you gained there trust you can lose it.
I cant i have work to do sry!