"The Religious Settlement was an attempt by Elizabeth I to unite the country after the changes in religion under Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I. It was designed to settle the divide between Catholics and Protestants and address the differences in services and beliefs."
thats from google.
but theyre werent very many problems with the rich vs poor i know that, and other countries didnt have a resentment.
although people were angry about her never marrying or having a child, i dont think d is the answer
not being able to bring home the Iranian hostages
President Jimmy Carter held the presidency during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. The crisis started after a group of militarized College students who supported Iranian revolutions attacked the United States embassy in that located in Tehran and took 52 hostages.
The crisis lasted for 2 years and wasn't solved by the Time Carter's presidency ended. The crisis ended after Ronald Reagan took the presidency in 1981 and signed the Algiers Accords,
Completely and utterly mashed
Dr. Marcus Whitman (1802-1847),his wife Narcissa Prentiss Whitman ...The atta k,a pivotal event in northwest history . will lead to a war of retaliation ... " He wanted to see the country settled," wrote Reverend Henry K. Perkins ... Tribal leaders made several efforts to get the Whitman's to leave, to the point of
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En las misiones franciscanas de la Sierra Gorda hay unas pinturas que representan la vida de los pueblos indígenas. ¿Cuáles son los dibujos que tienen estas pinturas?
Los dibujos que representan la vida los indígenas mesoamericanos de la época de la colonización están localizados en las diferentes misiones o iglesias que construyeron los frailes franciscanos durante su misión evangelizadora por los territorios de la Sierra Gorda de Querétaro, en México.
Particularmente, estamos hablando de las misiones construidas por Junípero Serra a partir de 1751, hasta concluir la última en 1766.
Ante la resistencia de los indígenas por aceptar las enseñanzas de la religión Católica, Serra tuvo la gran idea de combinar elementos indígenas en la facha de las iglesias y en las pinturas del interior, con objeto de llamar la atención de los indígenas y que pusieran menor resistencia a la evangelización. Es por eso que existen esa combinación de elementos como el maíz, las flores y plantas de la región en esas pinturas y dibujos.
Las misiones construidas bajo el mando de Junípero Serra son Landa, Tancoyol, Jalpan, Concá, y Tilaco.