C. Protein
Proteins contain C, H, O, and N.
Most notably, they contain an R group (aka a side chain), which is different for each for amino acid. The R group is symbolized by the letter R in the image.
Answer: (B) Fungi
<u>Penicillium notatum is a species of fungus</u> in the genus Penicillium. It is common in temperate and subtropical regions and can be found on salted food products, but it is mostly found in indoor environments, especially in damp or water-damaged buildings.
Nerves are cells that can detect any type of pressure, movement, or anything of that nature. If we didn't have nerves, we couldn't feel pain. If the nerves in a foot are damaged, you wouldn't feel the pain of it being burned.
1# Questions: People who have gene mutations have more treatment options.
2# Question: 20 amino acids
Part A....B
Part B....C
It should be understood that Mice are always first used to clinical test especially for drugs or other things that are supposed to be for human use, this is because Mice and human genetic disorders have arisen from conserved and related evolutionary processes. Therefore, when the clinical trial or test produces a positive result in the Mice, it is almost certain that the result will be the same in human.
Now in part B. When the result result is different, it might be because of the differences in anatomy and physiology might hide or change development and symptoms of disease. And that is the reason why, the result of a particular drug differs from person to person.