Physical identification characters:
Color- White or Colorless
Lusture - admantine
Streak - Colorkess
Habit - Hour glass structure
Hardness - 10
Cleavage- octaheadral
Composition- pure carbon
Specific gravity-3.5
Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2
Color - Colorless or white
Hardness is between 3-4
Reacts with any acid
Light and dark strip or banding present alternatively
biotite , pyroxene have Mafic mineral shows dark banding
Quartz, Feldspar have Felsic mineral for light banding
High grade metmorphic rock which is formed due to regional metamorphism of lower grade rock
Very fragile
With acid gives effervescence.
Since the somatic cell count of a roundworm is four, the gamete count would be two. gamete count is half of somatic.
A hill is a part of land that rises higher then everything surrounding it its like a little bump in the earth. Mountains have less steep and not as high but a hill will usually have and obvious summit which is its highest point