Number 4 is
-Oxidation occurs at the anode, while reduction occurs at the cathode. Recharging a battery involves the conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy. During recharging, there is movement of electrons from an external power source to the anode, and on the other side electrons are removed from the cathode.
6= Only the digits 1 and 6 are the actual measured values. Therefore we have only 2 significant figures.
0.3= Zeros used as placeholders are not significant. Zeros that come before non-zero integers are never significant. Example 5: The zeros in 098, 0.3, and 0.000000000389 are not significant because they are all in front of non-zero integers. c. If the zeros come after non-zero integers and are followed by a decimal point, the zeros are significant.
Carbon atoms in graphite and diamond are arranged in different ways. Hence, the two allotropes of carbon have different physical properties.
Both graphite and diamond are both made of only carbon atoms. However, their physical properties differ from each other. Hence, they are called allotropes. Think about how these carbon atoms are arranged in each of the allotropes.
In graphite, each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms. These carbon atoms will be located in the same plane. A chunk of graphite can contain many of these planes.
Each carbon atom has four valence electrons. Three of these electrons will be used in the bonds. The other electron will be delocalized. These electrons would flow between the sheets of carbon atoms. That keeps the sheets separate and allow them to slide on top of each other.
In diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms. These carbon atoms will form a tetrahedral network.
In graphite, there's a significant separation between two adjacent sheets of carbon atoms. The force between the two sheets is rather weak. When a piece of graphite is between two objects that move over one another, the layers in the graphite would also slide over one another. Since the attraction between two adjacent sheets isn't very strong, there wouldn't be much resistance. Hence the graphite acts as a lubricant.
In contrast, most of the carbon atoms in a piece of diamond would be connected to each other. Unlike the sheets in graphite, in a diamond there are almost no moving parts. Also, the forces between neighboring carbon atoms are very strong. When an external force acts on a chunk of diamond, the carbon atoms would barely move. Hence, the structure appears to be very rigid. That gives diamond its abrasive properties.
The product formed will be alkaline solution of potassium hydroxide .
K₂O + H₂O = 2 KOH .
Therefore K₂O is called basic oxide .
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When talking about our universe there are 5 d orbitals. The element of first transition series moves away from the universal principles of Hund's rule and Aufbav's principle. So in order to attain stability these elements tend to form half or full filled orbitals.
In our universe the ground state electronic configuration of sixth transition metal, Iron (Fe) : [Ar] 
and the electronic configuration of seventh transition metal, Cobalt (Co) : [Ar] 
In universe L there are seven orbitals.
Ground state electronic configuration of sixth and seven transition element.
Sixth transition metal: [Ar] ![3d^{7} 4s^1 or [X] 3d^{7} 4s^1](
Seventh transition metal: [Ar] ![3d^{7} 4s^{2}or [X] 3d^{7} 4s^{2}](