Pampered indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness
spoiledharm the character of (a child) by being too lenient or indulgent
Nominative pronouns are i, you, she, he, they, we, it
C. I'll spare you my woes and worries. May my burdens breathe better tomorrow.
Remember that alliteration refers to a stylistic device in which some words have the same first consonant sound and are close together in a series. As I said, the one that determines if there is alliteration or not, is the sound, not the letters. The sound is the one that must repeat at the beggining of the words. In this case <em>woes </em>and <em>worries </em>have the same first consonant sound, <em>may </em>and <em>my </em>also do.
A ceramic vase that appears on a mantelpiece in one scene of a
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