Answer: Sexual Harassment
Explanation: Sexual Harassment can take place in any environment, not only in the work place; it can occur between any two or more individuals of all genders, race, orientation, etc. Sexual harassment can be verbal, physical or suggestive, and can occur at home, school, work, anywhere...
The answer is "Personality psychologists".
Personality is for the most part depicted as being made up the characteristic examples of thoughts, emotions, and practices that make a man novel. In others words, it is the thing that makes you!
Since personality assumes such an imperative part in human conduct, a whole branch of psychology is committed to the investigation of this interesting subject. Personality psychologists are keen on the unique qualities of people, and likenesses among gatherings of individuals.
They both the most green land and has biggest amount of land
On a production possibility curve, data points that fall outside of the curve represent unobtainable production.
Answer: B. split the question into two so that it is not doublebarreled
Explanation: To improve the construct validity of the question above, the question could be separated into two distinct questios in other to make it better understood and also improve its validity.
It could be rephrase as thus:
"Please indicate whether the following statement is true or false for you:
1. My cell phone is new.
2. My cell phone has all the latest features".
Thus way the question has better construct validity.