Explanation:It was the first Olympic competition to use telex transmissions of results, and zeppelins were used to quickly transport newsreel footage to other European cities. The Games were televised for the first time, transmitted by closed-circuit to specially equipped theatres in Berlin.
The Pentagon Papers revealed that the Harry S. Truman administration gave military support to France against the Communist led Viet Minh, which directly involved the United States in the Vietnam War.
Bonus Army, gathering of probably 10,000 to 25,000 World War I veterans (estimates vary widely) who, with their wives and children, converged on Washington, D.C., in 1932, demanding immediate bonus payment for wartime services to alleviate the economic hardship of the Great Depression.
<u>wht did they want from the government?</u>
<u>I</u>n May 1932, jobless WWI veterans organized a group called the “Bonus Expeditionary Forces” (BEF) to march on Washington, DC. Suffering and desperate, the BEF's goal was to get the bonus payment now, when they really needed the money.
Answer: Blacklisting
When an employer or a person with the power to blacklist, blacklists a person, it serves a warning to other employers in the industry not to hire the person in question.
Blacklisted people are therefore denied work, opportunities, access or recognition which is why when a person is blacklisted, their career is virtually over.