a church that does not go by the apiscopal way
Child labor laws in the United States address issues related to the employment and welfare of working minors and children in the United States. The most sweeping federal law that restricts the employment and abuse of child workers is the Fair Labor Standards Act. Child labor provisions under FLSA are designed to protect the educational opportunities of youth and prohibit their employment in jobs that are detrimental to their health and safety. FLSA restricts the hours that youth under 16 years of age can work and lists hazardous occupations too dangerous for young workers to perform.
He came to power because he was a great orator and convinced the people that they were doing the right thing. He promised change and replaced the weak government they had before.
to many negros in the US so they needed to get shipped back to africa.
Explanation: it means a city in the southern Greece ,capital department of Laconia.
Hope that helps