<span>planning of cities jewelry pottery Sanskrit religious art temples paintings sculptures stories plays poetry metal lurgy-the art of working with metal knew how to make alloysHindu-Arabic Numerals (still in use today)medicine inoculation-putting a small dose of a virus into someone to build a defense to disease <span>astronomy</span></span>
This describes the change in energy-use and demand patterns in accordance to the variations in economic status of the household. the lower the income of the households, the more they rely on biomass fuels, such as wood and dung
similarity; proximity
You tend to perceive the elements in the first example as two units because of the law of similarity, which states that elements that are similar to each other tend to be seen as one group. You tend to perceive the elements in the second example as five units because of the law of proximity, which states that elements that are closely placed together are usually seen as one group even when they are within a larger group.
I can’t answer this because I can’t see the diagram. Comment on this once you posted it so I can help u