Because it is important commercial waterway for exported goods
Muhammadu Buhari, elected in 2015
Asbjørn 'Bear' Riis, Danish professional wrestler
Bjarne Riis (born 1964), Danish former professional road bicycle racer, now the team owner and manager of Danish UCI ProTour outfit Team CSC
Fredrik Riis (1789-1845), Norwegian county governor
Jacob Riis (1849-1914), Danish-American muckraker journalist, photographer, and social reformer
Nelson Riis (born 1942), businessman and former Canadian politician and New Democratic Party (NDP) Member of Parliament
Povl Riis, gastroenterologist
In the socialist systems the state shares economic control with private enterprise.
The socialist systems are systems where the economy is of mixed type. This is due to the transitional nature of the socialist system, so it has elements of both the system from which it is moving away, and from the system toward it is striding to. In general, it is traditional or market economy from which this system is moving away and transforms into communism, though there are few exceptions that are in the opposite manner.
While the private enterprises are allowed to exist and prosper, there are some limitations, as they are often obligated to be business partners with the state and have to stick to the state's rules. Also, the state is a powerful player on the market, owning and controlling the most important resources and infrastructure.