Ludus love is associated with lying and is a type of uncommitted love. Someone who practices ludic love is uncommitted and engage in many conquests. Storge love is <span>slow developing, friendship-based loved. This tends to last longer due to the foundation of relationship built on friendship. </span>
Romanization is understood as the adoption of Roman ways of behavior, culture, and religious practices by the native people of the provinces. The term first used by Francis Haverfield who defined it as the process in which the occupied territories Were being civilized
These structures affected daily life and the most common example of this is Latin from Where are derived all the romance languages that many of us speak nowadays.
One example of cultural structures that were patterned across Roman-conquered cities. Is the acceptance of roman religious traditions other one is the transformation of native names into Latin names.
Rome maintained its authority through two ways; by maintaining legions on the frontiers, and by civilizing internal provinces
the ancient tribal laws were replaced by Roman law, with its institutions of property rights.
in buildings there was a spreading of public roman baths. Typically-Roman institutions, such as the emperor cult and gladiator fights, were adopted.
Romanization has remained till recent times for instance the Latin terms used in laws such as Habeas corpus, Actus reus/mens rea etc.
In buildings they continued the use of columns, but the form became more decorative and less structural in Roman buildings. Ancient Romans created curved roofs and large-scale arches which were able to support more weight than the post-and-beam construction the Greeks used. These arches served as the foundation for the massive bridges and aqueducts the Romans created.
Because it will be very noisy for your ears to handle and it might be harmful for the ears possibly even going deaf if the noise it too loud.
The suez canal is extremely important to the people of North Africa. It is a well known trade route for many foreign countries. It also provides transportation for the people of north Africa. It is a great support for the economy of the surrounding countries it is in.
It killed more than 1/3 of Europe’s population. Because so many people died there was very little slaves. The slaves moved to cities where they would get payed to work. Because there was no slaves working in homes the manor system in Europe fell apart and cities began to grow.