Sculptures as you can you can physically hold and touch them
Pastoralia and sea oak are stories which are both written by George Saunders and are stories mainly based near the sea places.
Pastoralia was a story written by George Saunders. It was a story about Janet who has worked as a cave man and as a cave woman in an amusement park. Janet is also a cow worker in the story.
Sea oak is a story about an aunt who although is unlucky but still is optimistic who even after dying returns back to warn her family on how to get rid of their neighbors.
Medical resarcher at a university
well we need. blog to give you an answer. but from a college stand point a blog is not a credible source unless it list a quote from a credible source
These lines are an example of a) Pathos.
Pathos appeals to the emotions of a given audience in order to strengthen an argument. It uses logic, but draws upon emotion. This passage from The Declaration of Independence depicts the King of England as a cruel and unfit leader. It uses logic to enhance this argument, but its intent is to use emotion.