Conjugated enzymes also known as holoenzyme. Simple enzymes consist of only protein alone but the Conjugated enzymes contain protein ( this portion is called Apoenzyme) and nonprotein molecules (this portion is called cofactor). Cofactor help enzymes in their action.
Enzymes are catalyst which increase the rate of a reaction by decreasing the activation energy.
Before the Corona Virus every 10 seconds someone was born, every 5 seconds some one would die. (Approximately)
Now with the Corona Virus we are dropping dead like flies!
fossils depict how our bones have changed from past year to today.
for example, wisdom teeth were use to eat raw meat and crush bones as shown in fossils like Lucy. Another example would be extinct animals preserved, they were not able to survive and adapt to the earths changing conditions.
Everything we have today is because of the industrial revolution
Some plants are able to withstand extreme weather conditions