I can't help you answer if you don't have the last paragraph.
I need the last paragraph to help you find how the coach truly felt about Melody.
Mrs. Phelps is a secondary character in Farenheit 451.
Like Mrs. Bowles, she is a housewife and friend of Mildred; she shares her interest in television and her simple vision of life. The three women come together to see "the family" on the walls of Montag's house. Their conversation reveals their selfishness and lack of purpose. They are not interested in their husbands or children and choose the presidential Both Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles amaze themselves and Montag by being deeply moved by the poem he read them, revealing they had feelings.
Answer: In the first paragraph, name a theme of Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem "Sympathy," and explain how it develops, citing specific examples
only if it's at the start of the sentence