Thomas needs to think what it is he needs to buy the car. That is cash (money). What does he need to do to get money? He needs a job. Once he has a job and starts getting paid, he needs to SAVE the amount required for the down payment, unless he has the money to buy it cash! Meaning he can pay it in full. If he is only paying for the down payment, then he needs to make sure he has good credit to qualify for a loan on the remaining balance.
All in all he needs a plan!
The opportunity cost is $24,000
Giving the following information:
Suppose your expenses for this term are as follows:
tuition: $12,000
Room and board: $6,500
Books and other educational supplies: $1,500.
Further, during the term, you can only work part-time and earn $3,500 instead of your full-time salary of $14,000.
Costs of college:
tuiton= 12000
Books= 1500
Lost of salary= 10,500
Total= $24,000
Cash flow is the flow of cash and cash equivalent in and and out of a business.
there are three types of cash flows:
1. Investing cash flow - It involves the use of long term cash. it is the cash flow generated from the purchase and sale of fixed asset e.g. Sale of plant assets.
2. operating cash flow - it shows the net amount of cash generated from a company's normal business operation
3. financing cash flow - it shows the net amount of funding a company receives over a given period e.g. issuance of common stock
Reasons why cash flow analysis is popular
- Cash flows are less subject to manipulation when compared with net income
- Cash flow in often positive when net income is negative or zero
A System
Novak is referring to a system. A system is a complex union of several interrelated parts that have different specific functions, but share a common goal, and a more or less common mechanism.
Society is a system, a computer as well. Firms are systems, they have different parts: employees, stockholders and management that have specific functions but work together toward a common goal: generating revenue.