The right answer for this question is the enslaved African Americans. This was a form of resistance against slavery, where slaves became less efficient on purpose in order to rebel against their masters a lot.
The Edict of Nantes (French: édit de Nantes), signed in April 1598 by King Henry IV of France, granted the Calvinist Protestants of France (also known as Huguenots) substantial rights in the nation, which was still considered essentially Catholic at the time. In the edict, Henry aimed primarily to promote civil unity.
The 27th Amendment to the Constitution, added in 1992 as “No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.” was written in 1789, by Madison.
The correct answer is James Madison; 1789.
Franklin Roosevelt is the correct answer.
The Executive order 9066 was issued by President Roosevelt during the World War ll in febuary 1942. It granted the secretary of war the power to declare any area as military area and relocate the people living there. The order was justified owning the reason of protection against esponage and natioal defence. Due to Pear Harbour attack suspicion fell on Japenese Americans, that is why mostly these people were relocated in Western United Sates. They were alowed to carry only whatever they could carry at the moment and rest of their assets were seized by the US Department of Treasury.
Jailed. They were not well liked so they weren't praised.