it doesn't change or it will change by 0%
some businesseses have security
The Copernican model that is most similar to that of Aristarchus is where the solar system shows the planets in their orbits around the sun in the order: Mercury, Venus, Earth with Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.
Aristarchus of Samos was a Greek astronomer who argued that the earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. He had suggested a new theory that, if true, would make the universe much larger than was believed at the time. In the 16th century, Aristarchus inspired the Polish astronomer Nicholas in his Copernicus’s studies.
However, Copernicus later erased this reference, and Aristarchus' theory was not mentioned in the book published by him. Copernicus His model is the system of planetary motion maintained by Copernicus, in which the earth revolves once in a day and around the sun once in his year, while the other planets also has an orbit centered near the sun.
Know more about Copernican model here
All but kg can be vector quantities.
m/s^2 is acceleration. in the formula F = m*a the acceleration has direction and that means that force has direction. If you place an object on a table, there are 2 vectors in operation: one tends to move down (gravity) and one points up (the table top). The object would like to move but cannot, because the forces are equal but in opposite directions.
meters can be a vector or the unit of a vector. It is called displacement when it has direction.
km / hr. Since meters can be a vector, so can km. This is a velocity (or can be). When the direction is not specified, km/hr is a speed. It might describe the movement of a snail. hours really have no direction. hours can't go up, or down or left or right, the way km can. So hours add nothing to the question.
kg are units of mass. Mass really has no direction associated with it. Don't confuse mass and weight. Weight does have a direction, but mass does not.