What makes the sentence a compound sentence is that it has at least two independent clauses and no dependent clause.
Where two or more independent clauses are contained in a sentence, it is known as a compound sentence. It also includes the use of a comma, semicolon and coordinating conjunctions like "and", "for", but, "nor', "yet", "so".
other examples of a compound sentence are, "I called Mary but she didn't answer her phone", "I winked at her and she smiled back at me", 'the light went off so I turned on the lamp".
Literature can be a very effective form of social commentary. Moreover, it can motivate people to change their social reality through an increase of awareness.
When we read a story that resembles our own reality, we are able to gain some perspective because of the distance that we put between the characters and us. It can also highlight aspects of our social situation that we had not noticed before.
A common example is <em>Uncle Tom's Cabin</em>, a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which greatly contributed to the social condemnation of slavery. Similarly, George Orwell's novels, such as <em>Animal Farm</em> and <em>1984</em>, have been very relevant in helping people realize the dangers of extremism and totalitarianism.
The aspect of languages contained in the sentence which speakers must avoid is <em>Incorrect Grammar.</em>
The sentence reads - "Fire<em><u> distinguishes</u></em> are generally colored red"
The correct sentence is - "Fire <em><u>extinguishers</u></em> are generally colored red"
Notice the error. The speaker says <em>distinguishers </em>instead of <em>extinguishers.</em>
The above is an example of grammatical error and must be avoided for sakes of clarity.
Meter is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry or verse that gives poetry a rhythmical and melodious sound. There are five basic types of meters, each with distinctive characteristics: Iambic meter, trochaic meter, spondaic meter, anapestic meter, and dactylic meter.